Audio Book: New Testament Bible History – John Vreugdenhil

The Birth of Jesus as Promised in the Old Testament Download
The Fullness of Time Download
"Thou Shalt Call His Name, John" Download
The Humble Birth of the King of Kings Download
"Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart in Peace." Download
The Wise Men from the East Download
Jesus in His Father's House Download
The Preaching of John the Baptist Download
The Lord Jesus Baptized by John Download
Tempted by the Devil Download
The First Disciples of the Lord Jesus Download
Jesus at the Marriage in Cana Download
At the Passover in Jerusalem Download
The Samaritan Woman Download
"Go Thy Way; Thy Son Liveth" Download
In the Synagogue at Nazareth Download
The Great Physician at Work Download
An Unexpected Blessing Download
"If Thou Wilt, Thou Canst Make Me Clean." Download
The Palsied Man Cured Download
A Publican converted to God Download
Thirty-eight Years of Impotency Download
The Man With the Withered Hand Cured on the Sabbath Download
"Sheep Without a Shepherd" Download
Jesus Teaches the People After He had Climbed the Mountain Download
A Noble Roman and His Servant Download
"Young Man, I Say Unto Thee, Arise!" Download
The Question of John the Baptist and the Answer of Jesus Download
In the House of Simon, the Pharisee Download
A Three-fold Miracle Called the Work of the Devil Download
The Parable of the Sower Download
The Enemy Sows Tares Among the Wheat Download
"Even the Wind and the Sea Obey Him" Download
The Demoniac of Gadara Download
The Sick Woman Cured and Jairus' Daughter Raised From the Dead Download
Faith and Unbelief Download
"Give Me by and by the head of John the Baptist" Download
Five Thousand Men Fed With Only Five Loaves and Two Fishes Download
Jesus Walks upon the Waves Download
"Will Ye Also Go Away" Download
A Woman of Canaan Download
Jesus in Decapolis Download
"Whom Do Men Say That I Am?" Download
An Unforgettable Night Download
Delivered From the Power of Satan Download
Do Not Quarrel, but Forgive Download
Jesus on the Way to the Feast of Tabernacles Download
At the Feast of Tabernacles in Jersusalem Download
The Man Restored Who Was Born Blind Download
"I Am the Good Shepherd" Download
The Good Samaritan Download
"One Thing is Needful" Download
The Rich Fool Download
The Labors of Jesus in Peraea Download
In the House of the Ruler of the Pharisees Download
The Prodigal Son Download
The Unjust Steward Download
"I Am Tormented in This Flame" Download
"Lazarus, Come Forth!" Download
"They Took Counsil Together For to Put Jezus to Death" Download
How We Must Pray and How We Must Not Pray Download
Two Kinds of Visits Download
The Labourers in the Vineyard Download
On the Way to Jerusalem Download
"Zachaeus, Come Down!" Download
"Blessed is He That Cometh in the Name of the Lord" Download
The King of Israel Manifests His Power Download
Jesus Teaching in the Temple Download
A Royal Marriage Feast Download
Rejected because of Unbelief Download
Dark Times Foretold Download
Wise and Foolish Virgins Download
The Return of the Lord Foretold Download
Love and Hatred Download
"And it Was Night" Download
The Last Words of Jesus to His Disciples Download
The Prayer of the Heavenly High Priest Download
In Gethsemane Download
The Work of the Betrayer Download
Jezus Before the Sanhedrin Download
"I Know Not The Man" Download
" I Have Betrayed Innocent Blood" Download
I Find No Fault in This Man! Download
Innocently Condemned Download
The Compelled Cross-bearer and the Weeping Women Download
Upon Golgotha's Height Download
"Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" Download
The Events Which Attend Christ's Death Download
Carried to the Grave With Honor Download
The Resurrection of Christ Download
"Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead?" Download
On the Way to Emmaus Download
The Unbelieving Disciples Gladdened Download
"Lovest Thou Me?" Download
The Ascension Download
The Rich Pentecostal Blessing Download
A Lame Man Cured in the Name of Jesus Download
A Lie and its Consequence Download
Despised and Scorned for Christ's Sake Download
The Martyrdom of Stephen Download
The Works of the Devil Broken Download
"Understandest Thou What Thou Readest?" Download
"Saul, Saul, Why Persecutest Thou Me?" Download
A Woman who would Never be Forgotten Download
A Light to Lighten the Gentiles Download
A Proud King put to Shame Download
A Proud King Summoned before God Download
The First Missionary Journey of Paul Download
The First Missionary Journey of Paul (continued) Download
"Come Over and Help Us!" Download
"The Unknown God" Download
Diana or Christ Download
Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem Download
In Bands and Afflictions Download
A Crafty Attack Frustrated Download
Not Now, But Later Download
"Paul, Much Learning Doth Make Thee Mad" Download
Delivered From Distress and Death Download
"I Have Fought a Good Fight" Download
John on the Isle of Patmos Download